American Metabolix Muscle Test Review

American Metabolix are a relatively new company to the supplements scene. This product offers all the benefits of any natural testosterone booster. You should be experiencing increased performance, better recover and better mood from any natural testosterone. On first look we have to say we are not too impressed with this product.

Core Ingredients

American Metabolix Muscle test has one big negative, without evening looking into the ingredients. The product is actually a proprietary blend, so we have know way of telling the exact doses of the individual ingredients we will be supplementing. This is not only a way for companies to fill it full of the cheapest ingredients, but also it may actually cause some side effects or even worse, have no effects at all. Each blend is quite small and so it’d be fair to assume that the doses of key ingredients are minimal.


It’d be fair to presume that Tribulus and Fenugreek make up the majority of the LH Support blend. Whilst there are some minor benefits to you supplementing tribulus for sexual reasons, there is little evidence to support it as a performance supplement. In short, it’s not going to impact testosterone.


Studies have shown that supplementing fenugreek can increase testosterone. However, we don’t know the exact dose in Muscle Test to say if this product will provide you with this benefit. For an optimized effect you need about 100mg, as is in Prime Male. 

Bitter Orange Extract

Generally bitter Orange is used in fat burners, and bad fat burners at that. This ingredient is actually very close to the banned substance ephedrene in terms of it’s chemical make up. Supposed to aid the body in fat loss, there are little studies to actually back this claim up. It’s a product thats been cleverly marketed. Disappointing and won’t boost testsoterone.

Green Tea Leaf Extract

Generally green tea is used in supplements as a thermogenic and also as a source of caffeine. There are no direct testosterone boosting properties to this ingredient being in here really, and whilst you may get a slight ‘mood boost’ from the caffeine, it’s effects will be minimal due to there most likely been a small dose in this blend.

Stinging Nettle Root

This ingredient unfortunately doesn’t have any impact on your testosterone levels. There is no backing to prove anything other than minor inflammatory effects from supplementation.


3 capsules per day. This is a fairly good dose for a testosterone booster, just not this one. Due to the proprietary blend there isn’t any way to tell what you are taking of what ingredient. This can not only be dangerous, but also a complete waste of money. You should be looking for a testosterone booster that discloses a full ingredients list.

American Metabolix Muscle Test Side Effects

There could be some potentially harmful side effects from a few ingredients in this product. The bitter orange being the most risky. Due to the dosing though, it’s hard to tell if anything is in the product in an unsafe quantity. Whilst you may not get side effects from American Metabolix, you should be cautious when supplementing anything that is a proprietary blend.

Whats the Cost?

We found this product for a massive $100.00. This is very expensive for a product that doesn’t give you a full ingredients list.  Our current top 3 testosterone boosters will get you better results from proven and premium ingredients. Check them out here.

American Metabolix Muscle Test Review Conclusion

This product is a premium product by price and does have some good ingredients inside it. However it’s main problem is that it’s a proprietary blend, and so you can’t see what you are paying for. There are better testosterone boosters out there that are cheaper and completely natural and side effect free.

American Metabolix Muscle Test Review Conclusion
  • 3.1/10
    American Metabolix Muscle Test Review Conclusion - 3.1/10


A fancy looking ingredients list that will most likely be ineffective due to the fact this product contains 3 proprietary blends. Check our top 3 testosterone boosters here to avoid wasting money.

James Wilks

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